Why after taking the emergency contraception pill and still getting pregnant?

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In some cases who want emergency contraception pill. But eating and still pregnant. There is a possibility that the emergency contraceptive pill is not taken correctly. Possible reasons knowledge are as follows:

  1. Not taking the emergency contraceptive pill on time

The right time to take the emergency contraceptive pill. It is taken no later than 72 hours after sex and may not be effective if taken more than 96 hours after sex.

  1. Take the 2nd pill late.

Emergency contraceptive pills must be taken 2 tablets (2-pill type) at the times specified in each pill’s dosage guide. Most of the time it’s no later than 12 hours from the time the first pill is taken. In addition to taking the first pill later than scheduled, there is a risk that the birth control pill will not work fully. And may not be as effective as it should be Taking the second pill late is also another reason UFABET

  1. Repeat emergency contraception

If in some people while taking the first emergency contraception pill Have sex again within 24 hours of taking the first pill. It may also be necessary to take another emergency contraceptive pill. However, repeated use of emergency contraceptive pills may decrease their effectiveness. It also increases the risk of adverse drug reactions such as abnormal menstrual bleeding or spotting. Brown vaginal discharge, headache, breast stiffness or more menstrual periods as well.