Get to know artificial tears, a helper for people with dry eyes.

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Nowadays, it is found that there are more and more people with dry eyes problems. The cause is from behaviors of using the eyes too much until dry eyes occur, such as staring at the computer screen or mobile phone screen for a long time.  Artificial tears are therefore an item that is always with people with dry eye problems. But if we use artificial sugar for too long, will it affect our eyes? And how can we use artificial tears safely for eye problems? Today, the admin has the answer for you. 

What are artificial tears?

Artificial tears are a moisturizing and lubricating agent for the cornea. They have properties similar to natural tears. They are use to relieve eye irritation and dry eyes. Therefore, the use of artificial tears is beneficial for people with dry eyes.

What do artificial tears help with?

  • Relieve dry eye symptoms. People with dry eye symptoms have a reduced amount of tears, which can cause eye discomfort. Artificial tears are use to replace natural tears to relieve eye irritation. And help reduce dry eye symptoms.
  • Moisturize your eyes. People who have less tears or whose tears evaporate faster than normal often have this problem, especially from staring at a computer screen, smartphone screen, TV screen, or reading a book for a long time without blinking. This can cause irritation, dryness, and dry eyes.
  • Reduce eye irritation. Eye irritation can be caused by many things, such as dust or foreign objects in the eyes, eye allergies, dry eyes. Artificial tears can be used to remove foreign objects from the eyes. Helping to wash away dust or allergens that have entered the eyes.

Does long-term use of artificial tears have any effect on the eyes?

Long-term use of artificial tears has precautions: if used regularly more than 4 times/day, preservatives in artificial tears may damage the cornea, causing corneal inflammation. Or for people who wear contact lenses, preservatives may damage the contact lenses and cause eye irritation. Therefore, people who need to use artificial tears should choose artificial sugars that do not contain preservatives, ทางเข้า ufabet  which will be safe for the eyes and should strictly follow the instructions for using artificial tears.

Who needs to use artificial tears?

  • People with dry eyes
  • People who work at computer screens or stare at smartphones for long periods of time.
  • People who produce less tears, such as the elderly and postmenopausal women.
  • People who work in hot and dry climates
  • People who have had Lasik
  • People who have allergic conjunctivitis
  • People who wear contact lenses

Safe use of artificial tears

  • Clean your hands because fingers are necessary to touch the area near the eyes, and if possible, clean the eye area to prevent infection.
  • Read the instructions for the artificial tear product you are going to use carefully.
  • – Look up at the desired angle to instill eye drops. Estimate the appropriate distance between your eyes and the artificial tears.
  • Gently instill artificial tears into your eyes, using the amount recommended by your doctor or prescription label.
  • Normally, liquid artificial tears (daily artificial tears. And monthly artificial tears) are use in the amount of 1-2 drops approximately 3-4 times/day. Monthly artificial tears in bottles should not be used more than 4 times/day. Because they contain preservatives.
  • In cases of severe dry eyes, the amount of artificial tears prescribed. By the doctor must be used, which is usually 1-2 drops per eye, approximately 10-12 times/day.
  • Artificial tears in gel. And ointment form are use in the amount of 6 ml, 1-2 times a day. In the morning and before going to bed.
  • After instilling the eye drops, close your eyes for 2-3 minutes and gently massage the inner corner of the eye for about 1 minute to stimulate the fluid to drain into the tear duct.
  • After about 10 minutes, you can use additional eye drops or eye ointments.
  • Liquid eye drops should be used. Before ointments to allow the medication to enter the eye.